
 What is Gestational Surrogacy and what does it mean?

In surrogacy, a woman, referred to as the surrogate, consents to bear and give birth to a child on behalf of another person or couple, referred to as the intended parents. There are two types of surrogacy: Traditional and Gestational Surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, there is a genetic connection between the surrogate and the child. In a gestational surrogacy arrangement, a woman referred to as the gestational carrier or surrogate, bears and gives birth to a child on behalf of another individual or couple, referred to as the intended parents. The gestational carrier and the child she carries are unrelated biologically in gestational surrogacy.

In this blog, we will talk about everything you need to know about gestational surrogacy.
Gestational Surrogacy Meaning
How does Gestational Surrogacy work?
What is the process of Gestational surrogacy?
Difference between Gestational surrogacy and Traditional surrogacy?
How much does Gestational Surrogacy cost?
Who may consider Gestational Surrogacy?
FAQs of Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy Meaning

Gestational Surrogacy is the process where the person carries a child on behalf of an individual or couple. This is done through IVF (In-vitro fertilization) where the embryo is created using the egg and sperm of the intended parent or donor. The surrogate is not related to the child biologically which makes gestational surrogacy less complicated than any other type of surrogacy.

How does Gestational Surrogacy work?

If you are going for gestational surrogacy, both the intended parent and the surrogate mother will need to go through the screening process to ensure the safety of the child. Going through an agency and getting the initial consultation is the first step. After the screening process is done the intended parent and the surrogate are matched based on their needs and requirements.

Generally, the required age for the surrogate is between 21 to 35 years, some agencies do consider women up to the age of 42. Additionally know the BMI requirements that surrogacy, agencies look for. It depends on the surrogacy agency you are going to work with.

Following the identification of a match, the intended parents and surrogate will each consult with an attorney to go over the legal obligations and risks for each party, as well as surrogate pay. A fertility clinic will take care of the IVF and embryo transfer procedure after everyone is in agreement and the contracts are signed. One of the following methods will be used to create an embryo and transfer it to the surrogate.

  • The intended parent’s sperm and eggs, in which the child will be genetically related to both intended parents.
  • The intended mother’s egg is fertilized with the donor’s sperm, this will allow the intended mother to have a genetic connection with the child
  • The donated egg from the egg donor is fertilized with sperm from the intended father, the intended father will have a genetic connection with the child.
  • The donor’s sperm and the donor’s egg will be used to create an embryo in these cases both the intended parent will not have any connection with the child.
When compared to other fertility treatments, the success rate of gestational surrogacy pregnancies and births is comparatively high; however, a significant factor influencing this rate is the age of the egg donor.

Process of Gestational Surrogacy

Once you have decided to go for surrogacy. Then, the intended parent and the surrogate who are interested in surrogacy start by consulting the fertility center/specialist to understand the process and how it will work for them.

To make sure that the surrogate mother and intended parents meet physical, emotional, and legal requirements they need to go through the screening process. After that, the intended parent and surrogate mother are matched based on their compatibility, requirements, etc.

Legal assessments are drawn between the intended parent and the surrogate, egg donor and sperm donor such as legal rights, custody, responsibility, etc.

Medical tests are done to ensure that intended parents can undergo surrogacy and the surrogate is physically and emotionally ready, some tests and screenings are done so that there is no problem throughout pregnancy.

  • After the tests are completed, The egg and the sperm are fertilized in the laboratory and then the embryo formed is transferred to the surrogate mother.
  • The pregnancy journey starts and the surrogate mother is given care and everything throughout the time by the intended parents. They can support the surrogate mother by going on doctor visits together and by being there for her.
  • The intended parents are considered as the legal parents of the child from the start. So after birth, they are given custody and all rights towards the infant.
  • The process after birth may vary depending on the country you are opting for surrogacy.
It’s important to note that gestational surrogacy is a complex process that involves medical, legal, and emotional considerations. The laws and regulations regarding surrogacy vary by jurisdiction, so it’s essential for all parties involved to seek legal advice and ensure compliance with local laws.

Difference between Gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy and Traditional surrogacy are two different surrogacy practices, each with unique traits and ramifications. The child’s genetic relationship with the surrogate mother is the primary source of difference between them.

Gestational Surrogacy

  • In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother does not have a genetic connection with the child.
  • It is more expensive than traditional surrogacy.
  • The egg used to create the embryo is not the surrogate’s egg.
  • There is a rare chance that a surrogate will get attached to the child as there is no genetic relation between them.
  • It is legally less complex than traditional surrogacy.

Traditional Surrogacy

  • In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother has a genetic connection with the child.
  • It costs less than gestational surrogacy.
  • The surrogate’s egg is used to create an embryo.
  • As the surrogate mother shares a genetic link with the child, the surrogate feels an attachment towards the child.
  • It is legally more complex than gestational surrogacy.

How much does gestational surrogacy cost?

The price of gestational surrogacy can differ significantly based on a number of variables, including the surrogate’s pay, the location, the particular fertility center or agency utilized, legal fees, and medical costs.

In India, the average cost of gestational surrogacy is 15 to 20 lakhs. This total cost accounts for all necessary medical expenses, attorney fees, counseling costs, agency fees, and surrogate living expenses and compensation. Many of these expenses are variable; for example, the surrogate mother’s monthly allowance may vary based on where she lives, and attorney fees may differ depending on state laws and legal processes.

Who may consider Gestational Surrogacy?

Surrogacy helps a lot of individuals and couples to fulfill their dream of becoming a parent. Gestational surrogacy allows them to have a genetic connection with their child. There are many reasons why intended parents opt for surrogacy. Here are some of them.

Medical condition Certain people or couples may be medically unable to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term due to their conditions.

Gay couples who are single and do not wish to get married but want to have a biological child of their own need surrogate mothers to carry their baby into the womb.

Heterosexual parents who have fertility problems, medical problems either from a previous pregnancy or may be due to some medical complications such as less sperm count or weaker womb of the intended mother.

Personal choice Some individuals and parents may choose surrogacy due to personal reasons. Hopeful individuals who do not wish to get married but wish to start a family of their own can conceive a child linked to them biologically through surrogacy.

Age issue The maternal age of women can impact their ability to conceive. In such cases, women opt for surrogacy to have their child using their own egg through surrogacy.

Pregnancy loss Previous history of pregnancy loss, intended parent may opt for surrogacy to increase their chance of pregnancy.

Genetic Disorder If the intended parent has some genetic disorder there are chances that it may be passed to the baby, due to such concerns they opt for surrogacy.

All these are the cases where people consider surrogacy as the best option for them to have a child of their own.

FAQs of Gestational surrogacy

Can a gestational surrogate keep the baby? No, the surrogate cannot keep the baby as the legal contract is signed between the intended parent and the surrogate mother it states that the surrogate has no legal rights to the baby and after the delivery, the custody is given to the intended parent. Also, there is no genetic connection between the surrogate and the child.
What are the benefits of choosing gestational surrogacy?
Gestational surrogacy allows couples or individuals to have a child of their own when they cannot get pregnant physically or biologically. This helps people fulfill their dreams of becoming a parent.
Is gestational surrogacy legal?
Jurisdictions differ on whether gestational surrogacy is legal. Surrogacy laws vary from place to place; some may have clear regulations, while others may not have any laws at all. It’s critical that everyone concerned understands and abides by the laws in their individual locations.
Will the baby look like the Surrogate?
No, the baby will not look like the surrogate. There is no genetic link between the surrogate and baby as the embryo is created using the intended mother’s egg or the donor’s egg and sperm of the intended father.
Do intended parents need to meet the requirement too?
Yes, intended parents need to go through the screening process to ensure the safety of the surrogate and the baby. They must educate themselves on legal, social, and medical aspects and understand the process of surrogacy, costs, and the procedure


Although the process of gestational surrogacy can be drawn out and somewhat difficult, it is an exciting and rewarding way for aspiring parents to grow their families and go through all the ups and downs of raising a biological child. Legal and ethical aspects of gestational surrogacy vary across jurisdictions, and it’s important for all parties involved to seek legal counsel and understand the laws and regulations governing surrogacy in their specific location. Working with a respectable commercial surrogacy agency such as Global Star Surrogacy is essential as we can help you throughout the process and make sure all the procedures are followed legally and offer sufficient protection for all parties through our surrogacy contract.
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